Tag Archives: breakfast


Can I just share with you something that annoys me to no end?
What’s up with people feeding their kids junk food for breakfast? Yo, people thought that Barack Obama was being all condescending when he was telling folks that we need to quit feeding our babies cold Popeye’s chicken in the AM. Well screw that because that man was on point. As my familiar readers know, I ride public transpo in Philly. I ride anywhere between 8 and 10am depending on the day. No matter how many times I see it, I’m shocked. Little kids who can barely get into the bus seat by themselves, clutching bags of barbecue potato chips and bottles of soda. Seriously?

I know for a fact that you don’t have to travel 2 blocks in Philly before you run into someone who will sell you some fruit, an egg sandwich, or even a friggin’ orange juice! Yes, I am judging here.

It concerns me because I know that that is not the only sub par meal that kid is getting that day. I know that habits are being formed where that kid will think it’s okay to eat random bullshit. I don’t have to tell you about obesity in our community or the onset of obesity-related disorders such as diabetes and hypertension. This is not really a commentary on being poor or low-income, either. I grew up poor and while as a kid I would have liked a bowl of gummy worms for breakfast, my grandparents weren’t going to let that ride. Even low-income people got cereal and milk (WIC, fool!).

The inspiration for this post: Today, I saw a chick on the subway. She’s a whole other story unto herself because she instantly reminded me of a Treasure Troll. Homegirl was white, short, fat and had FUSCHIA hair (with brown roots and jacked up ends). She had a lil’ biracial boy with her and they both were chomping away on some potato chips. You better believe that Barack Obama had breakfast, yo!

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Filed under I'm Judging You (reviews & criticism)