Bourgie Hiatus


As you can see, I’ve let this blog go. I don’t know, I’m just not as inspired to write like I used to be. I need focus most likely. I couldn’t even finish that Kwanzaa post before this one and what I DID get down was crap. So I’m going to chill.

If for whatever reason you still need a fix of me and my randomosity, check the following:

Tumblr: – I’m here posting stuff from the internet that amuses me. Pics, videos, IMs, etc.
Formspring: – ask me anything (anonymously).
Twitter: – I might not approve you though. My feed is locked.


Filed under Routine Ramblings

3 responses to “Bourgie Hiatus

  1. This is way off subject but, I can’t remember how I found you’re blog but I’ve been reading you for all this time and never knew we had the same name!

    Dont mind me, I get giddy when I meet people who share my name and spell it correctly lol

  2. You better be studying…(lol). This real property is kicking my ass….

    Bond. BlkBond.

  3. trE

    thanks for the head’s up… *nods*

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